I am amazed by all the things we take for granted….all the things that I take for granted…at least I used to take them for granted! Things like LIGHT, HEAT, HOT FOOD, WARM SHOWER, GASOLINE! Just ran across this post on FB…”Is anyone in Old howard beach that can bring a friend of mine a flashlight or DD batteries?” Please pray with us for those that have been so impacted by this massive and destructive storm….and then get up from your prayers and DO SOMETHING! Give, go, volunteer, whether it is a gift card, cash to your church you have relationship with, DO SOMETHING! This massive and destructive storm is bigger than the government, bigger than individuals, bigger than a single church, but not bigger than GOD….if we all do our part, we will make the body complete and there will be no lack in any good work! Thank you for caring!
It has been an amazing day…each is unique and different. In the midst of such sorrow- like yesterday when it was FREEZING rain and snow and the family came in the door of the church- wet and VERY cold…in shorts and a hoodie looking for warm clothes. The man shared that since the storm that was all he had was cooler clothing! Quickly, the Pastors rallied for him and gathered him some warm clothes, gave him something hot to eat and drink AND THEN PRAYED FOR HIM AND HIS FAMILY!
Then in the midst of all that, there is that moment when you sense the PEACE of God that transcends all circumstances simply because a new little system has been put in place allowing the volunteers and workers to take control of the uncontrollable chaos that comes with disasters! It is what happens when we just show up!
Or the little 3 year old that came just for 2-3 minutes that blessed my socks off as he let me put my worship music headphones on his little head and he listened…to WORSHIP music! Precious!!
These are the memories that will be forever etched in my mind!
A while back the Lord offered me an opportunity….Come away with Me! WOW, what a journey….What an adventure! I am blessed! Blessed….like Peter….when Jesus said the Son of Man has revealed this to you! I am blessed to know and see Jesus EVERYWHERE!
Thank you for helping us to be here! Thank you for your heart of compassion that helps us to bring His Peace to others! Thank you for helping us to love those we would have never known were we at home!