Have you noticed that not all days are created equal! It seems that some times things take forever to accomplish and then there are those days that it seems like we have SUDDENLIES!
Today feels like one of those days…this WEEK certainly does! On Monday, the front of the building was installed- something I had been waiting for MONTHS to see! It still isn’t totally finished- we need the wheelchair ramp and the trim installed yet, but it LOOKS so much better and it looks more and more like we are going to actually have an office and a COMMUNITY PRAYER AND TRAINING CENTER here!
On the same day, we received word from Home Depot that they will help us with some items for our COMMUNITY GARDEN! AND they said, they want to help with volunteers and long term…not just providing the items we had asked for!
Doug Stringer always says that RELATIONSHIPS DEFINE OUR DESTINY! That is SO true! The older I get the more I see just HOW true it is!
Today- WE HAVE HEAT! FINALLY!!!! YES, FINALLY! It seems like forever I have been waiting to have the heat and the hot water turned on, but today, with the worker scheduled to be here between 12 and 4, it was only about 1 when he showed up! Right now, I am listening to whirring of the hot water heater as it HEATS the water!! The heaters we purchased didn’t take any time to heat up the room either!
I just love how the Lord works on our behalf…there is a lesson here I think. I have been so discouraged several times as things just seemed to take forever….But I see today, it was all about PERSEVERANCE! If we will just keep putting one foot in front of the other, EVENTUALLY we will arrive at the entrance to our SUDDENLIES!
Yes, NOT ALL DAYS ARE CREATED EQUALLY! This has been an especially GREAT day!