Please join us as we pray for the Northeastern states in the USA!
As Sandy approaches the eastern seaboard of our country, it is already causing massive flooding and hundreds of thousands have had to evacuate their homes in preparation for Sandy’s arrival.
This morning as we participated in the conference call with Doug Stringer and the Global Compassion Response Network of ministry partners we knew we had to go! Multiple Somebody Cares America Chapters, Centers and ministry partners are strategically located in the HEART of the areas affected.
Matt Stevens, Somebody Cares Baltimore shared with each of us that effects of the storm were beginning even though the storm was far off the coast. It was very encouraging to hear Matt share how the Church of Baltimore has come together IN ADVANCE and prepared for such a time as this! Warehousing is available, POD (point of distribution) locations have been determined and individual members have prepared sufficiently to not just take care of their own family…but their neighbors as well! THE CHURCH IS BEING THE CHURCH!
We are making our plans to respond just as soon as possible after the storm subsides and flood waters recede. Please join us as we pray for the Lord’s mercy and comfort for those impacted by this storm.
Provided we have internet capabilities, we will continue to post updates to our blog while we are deployed. You can read those here and on our Facebook page- Rise To The Time.
We covet your prayers and appreciate your support!