For years I have dreamed of having a community garden where people of all walks of life could come together and reap much more than a basket of fruit and vegetables. “A place where people could gather and build community- fellowship and a place where encouragement, His love and message could be shared.” For a season, that dream appeared to die and was just a distant memory.
BUT GOD! In 2013, as He has done several times in my life, He once again resurrected my dream and today He brought it into reality!
What a blessing and what gratitude filled my heart as I stood to watch others cheerfully planting in the garden! Today, in the midst of the wettest month of May I ever remember, the Lord peeled back the clouds to allow a group of individuals come together and experience COMMUNITY! It was so beautiful to watch each of them as they shared plants and seeds that had been donated. It was heartwarming to see them helping each other and I just know the Lord was blessed to see it all too. Their excitement was palatable as they worked together; I AM BLESSED!
I am overwhelmed tonight when I consider all that the Lord has done to birth the dream I believe is actually HIS DREAM. I am overwhelmed by everything the volunteers and local businesses have done in order for THIS dream to become a reality!
Master Gardeners have donated plants and seeds; total strangers have come to help us create a garden out of an empty yard- devoid of beauty and full of weeds. My family saw my passion for this dream and came along side to lovingly support and help to make it a reality! The professionals that continue to give of their wisdom and skills to help us to do it “right”. The countless men and women, even youth, that have stopped by on “work days” to do some back breaking and at times just flat out HARD WORK to create this community garden for Denison.
We still have several beds left for lease. The excitement was so strong as people finished their own beds, several want additional beds.