Friday, March 2, 2012 Kentucky struck by an EF3 tornado
Saturday, March 10th Rise to the Time deploys
When we first heard of the storms we were concerned for those affected, but we had no thought of deploying as we felt we weren’t “ready”. After all, we didn’t have the truck or RV that are part of our vision for ministry. However, as the week progressed information contin-ued to surface about the needs in Salyersville, Kentucky. As we opened our hearts to hear from the Lord, we became increas-ingly aware that He only asks for our availability. Justin Boland, head of GCRN and ministry outreach coordinator for SCA, encouraged us to re-spond and the Lord confirmed it. So, by midweek after the storm, we knew we were going and left the results to the Lord! Preparations were made and very early Saturday, March 10th we left headed for Kentucky. As we went out for our first deployment, we were filled with anticipation of the events to follow and some anxiety won-dering if we were up to the task. Philippians 4:6-7 became our constant prayer as we made our way on the 1100+ miles to our destination. We only knew that we had said we could stay as long as one month “as needed”. Thankfully, the Lord has given us a tremendous friend, Jane Huff who is willing to stay at our home to oversee it and our little dog’s care.
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Almost immediately after we arrived, the Lord gave us favor and Terry was able to meet sev-eral statewide FEMA officers in town to assess the area. The Lord also gave us favor by al-lowing us to have the “pastor’s quarters“ for our stay at First Baptist Salyersville. This meant that instead of staying in a dorm, we were able to have privacy and the ability to set up an office away from home from which we could operate daily. On our first full day out, Terry met the mayor and the Execu-tive Director of EM which led to meeting the POD director of volunteers, Lesley Arnett. Lesley has a huge heart for her com-munity and became a great asset for us as we facilitated teams during our stay. We were given the master list of residents im-pacted by the storm with a re-quest to make sure they knew of the help that was available through a variety of sources. Accompanied by local pastors and leaders, two of the first teams we hosted, VRM of Texas and Denver Church in the City were able to go directly to those impacted-both to aid the local government AND for prayer and ministry if the door was open….and open it was! Many received not only minis-try but “Who Was Jesus?” or the “Survivor” booklet for chil-dren furnished by Somebody Cares America and GCRN.
When we received the call that Pam and Harold (names changed) needed a roof leak re-paired, it was decided that an on-site inspection would be in order before the team arrived that would be assigned to do the re-pairs.
With cameras in hand we drove out into the rural area to in-spect, measure and plan for re-pairs. As we discovered time and were anxious to share it. Pam shared that two of their children were out and about during the storm. One was hiding in the cooler at the local McDonald’s where he worked before it was heavily damaged in the tornado. Pam almost immediately began to share about a deeper need and pain. They were also raising three of their grandchildren because their parents (Harold’s son and his wife) had both died. Their mother was killed in a car accident, but they believe their son was murdered. Pam’s pain was obvious and she cried and cried as Vickie prayed for this fam-ily to find the Comforter who bears all our grief and sorrows.
Although the home also had ongo-ing flood damage from being in a low lying area it was decided that the roof damage should be repaired
by our team while we contin-ued to search for additional resources for the family. Once the materials were in place it began to rain and de-layed the repair to the day they were to leave but our team persevered and did a mighty work. Before parting, we prayed over this family again and en-couraged them in the Lord.